Tuesday 7 June 2016

Poetry Anthology

I Once Met a Man (Limerick)

There once was an old daring hunchbacked man

Though when he really should have walked he ran

He tumbled off a cliff

He looked at me like a glyph

Turns out he was a genuine caveman

Bering Sea (Haiku)

The harsh cool breeze pulls

The crystal blue ocean sea facade

Shadow below, no longer still

The Boy (Sonnet)

Amongst the dreary moonlight and eerie night

On the outskirts of a tranquil pasture

The crunch of dry grass echoed left and right

A pale slender shadow short in stature

A waxen candle was lit, then two, then three

The rustling of pitchforks invoked glum grunts

Shrieks reverberated through the valley

Tonight would be another gruesome wild hunt

The mob traversed between the trees and cattle

Distraught by the foolish hoax they found

A teared giggling boy not worth their hassle

The mob left outraged with his state of mind

Trudging back this time the shriek was all too clear

Not one person flinched, their village was near

Ode to Slippers

O’ most versatile footwear

Not known for their ergonomics

Sometimes seems as if there are many to spare

Not worshiped like electronics

When in need they disappear

Do not bring on an eye’s tear

You can’t go fast

But they do last

Their applications are vast

Once put on, you are relaxed

They sometimes squeal and squeak

Though it doesn’t make one a freak

Slippers are a lifestyle

Barbecue fired up

Beach chairs by the pool

Sand and pail filled with salty sea water

Though not respected

Packed, dropped, slapped, thrown

As quick as a jet

Cut through the air like a blade on grass

A dangerous projectile

The Hill (Cinquain)

The Hill

Ominous, Alone

Growing, Looming, Churning 

All Souls Who Enter Do Not Leave


NYC (Acrostic)

Those Who Don’t Join (Free verse)


Or be conformed

The ideas that fuel our thoughts are like a cinema flick

Carefully crafted by those who hold influence



Education is a production line

Miss a step and one’s left behind

First comes primary, then secondary school

Or rather inspection

Then they are hastily shipped out to sea

Where the menacing waves batter them to their knees

They begin to buckle, blend and amend

Whereas they now need to stand out and be different

After years of being used to conform

They feel like they are being reborn

Those who don’t join end satisfied

Always kept true to who they are

Knowing exactly where to set their bar

And continuously towards that, they stride

Time Ticks On (Concrete Poem)
At first, there always seems to be plenty of time

More than two weeks, its a breeze

The last weekend is now in sight

Too many poems to write

Do I have the might?




Of course

If I start right now

Lose 3 hours’ sleep tonight

Though luckily the end is in sight

Only two more creative verses to write

Procrastination once again tests my might

Poetry Contests Submissions

Ode to Slippers, The Hills and Acrostic


3 poems.png

Those Who Don't Join



The Boy


another one.png

I Once Met A Man


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